Dharma Pracar

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DHARMA PRACAR DEPARTMENT will supervise the implementation of the Central Dharma Pracar policies as well as maintain regular communication with all units of Ananda Marga within the sector.
What P.R. Sarkar wrote and said about Dharma Pracar and related issues.
What Marga members wrote or do about Dharma Pracar and related topics.
What Society does to Dharma Pracar related issues.

Introduction: The Dharma Pracar Department of AMPS aims to bring everyone on the path of righteousness.

Duties of Dharma Pracar Department

1.Popularising Margii literature 2.Forming AMPS committees and supervising the works of those committees. 3.Keeping a watchful eye on the conduct of whole timers. 4.Keeping a watchful eye on the conduct of general margiis. 5.Character building and other training for workers. 6.Character building and other training for general margiis.

There are six sections of Dharma Pracar Department

1.Discipline section i.To supervise Avadhutas, Acaryas, Tattvikas and other whole time workers and the general margii public in maintaining their respective code of conduct for which this section of Dharma Pracar Department is to maintain confidential records. ii.Where discipline has not been strictly adhered to, taking strict action against the Party at fault by appointing a tribunal or enquiry commission or by some other means as per the rules.

2.Committee, account and circular section To register committees and keep account of registration fees and issue circulars in proper time.

3.Initiation, people and individual section To see that initiation is increasing day by day both among individuals and among the mass (mass initiation) and also to maintain proper records in this connection.

4. Mass contact Section To contact the mass through Cheap Literature Series (CLS) and through other media.

5.Training Section To train whole time workers and other workers through permanent training centres and also to train the general public by temporary training arrangements and through seminars.

6. Jagrti and Miscellaneous Section To encourage the general public to start jagrtis as per approved model of construction department; to maintain jagrtis properly; and to do all miscellaneous work of Dharma Pracar Dept. not included in Section 1,2,3,4 and 5.

Sectorial work


Dharma Pracar Workgroup (1 August 2018, Dharma Pracar - Plan) - How to create and maintain members was presented by Tanmaya and Manojit in behalf of the workgroup. Having trouble recruiting and retaining organisation members? As per a general survey among organised entities, usually members begin their time with an association during years one to three without complaints, satisfied with ..→

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